All too often when a band are performing on stage it’s the front man, the singer that gets all the attention. Unavoidable and understandable up to a point in the circumstances. However, the sound you hear is actually a combination of inputs from a variety of musicians all on stage at the same time and all performing for your entertainment. I’d like to take some time here to outline the philosophy behind my backing band The Smokin’ Locos and to introduce you to the main protagonists.
The first thing you might have noticed if you’ve ever caught a live show involving the full band is that the lineup changes quite frequently – both the faces behind the instruments and the nature and number of the instruments themselves. That’s partly deliberate and partly due simply to availability of personnel at the time. The core of The Smokin’ Locos is: Drums, Bass, Saxophone and Harmonica. From time to time I’ll switch additional instruments in if the music benefits from it and at such times you will see the numbers in the band grow for a while. In that way we try and keep things fresh and alive by introducing new sounds and people with ideas. Hopefully over time you will see the benefit of that.